Sazón Picante Seasoning Pouch

Sazón Picante Seasoning Pouch


Add kick, color and depth of flavor to your recipes with this delicious spicy sazón seasoning. Each pouch refills your Gigi’s 4oz bottle three times.

INGREDIENTS: salt, organic garlic, organic annatto, organic cumin, organic coriander, organic smoked paprika, organic cayenne pepper

CERTIFICATIONS: OMRI, Orthodox Union Kosher, USDA Organic

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Adobo All Purpose Seasoning Pouch Adobo AP Pouch back V2.jpg

Adobo All Purpose Seasoning Pouch

Adobo All Purpose Seasoning 4oz Bottle and Pouch Adobo AP wood.1055-v3.jpg

Adobo All Purpose Seasoning 4oz Bottle and Pouch

Adobo All Purpose and Sazón All Purpose Seasoning Pouches Adobo AP Pouch back V2.jpg

Adobo All Purpose and Sazón All Purpose Seasoning Pouches

Adobo Family Seasoning 4oz Bottles Adobo AP Bottl Back v2.jpg

Adobo Family Seasoning 4oz Bottles

Sazón All Purpose and Sazón Picante Seasoning Pouches Sazon AP Pouch back v2.jpg

Sazón All Purpose and Sazón Picante Seasoning Pouches
